There is something so totally appealing about seeing the world through the eyes of the child. "Kids Is Kids" is the way I imagine The Rascals would put it.

To my (pleasant) surprise we both totally loved it! Now she BEGS me to play the DVDs! There is some ageless,timeless quality to the show. With great anticipation I put the DVD on and then warned my daughter that this was gonna be sort of "old time" and that if she didn't dig it I would totally understand. I decided to fish around to see if The Rascals were out on DVD yet and was pleased to find they were.
I told my daughter about the show and she would say "Oh really?" without even looking at me, playing with her video game, listening to a CD and watching TV all at the same time. Now that I'm a grown up in my thirties -and a parent- I wondered if I had built the show up in my mind as being something bigger and better than what it actually was. I honestly believed that the show had in some way "shaped me" and made me a better person. All we knew was that it featured an appealing bunch of kids and that it was funny as Hell! I remember always carrying a special torch in my heart for the show all through my teen years and early adulthood. We didn't care that it showed an old fashioned simpler time we couldn't relate to. We didn't care that our folks -or even grandparents- had watched it. We didn't care if it was a show made in the '30s (I'm referring to what I like to call "The Spanky Years", as there are in fact OUR GANG shorts even older- so old that they aren't even "talkies!" Just "silent movies" accompanied with music and subtitles!) We didn't care that it was black and white. Me and my friends (Really- everyone in my class practically!) watched it. When I was a kid in the '70s (B.C.= Before Cable) they used to play THE LITTLE RASCALS on TV after school.